Mariama, an older widow from Nigeria, was sitting alongside
the road 4 months ago and was hit by a car. The bone of her right upper arm was
broken when she was struck and she received care from local traditional bone setters. The splint placed on her arm did not align her arm properly and caused
a horrible infection in the lower portion of her arm below the fracture. She
came to CSL Danja for treatment of that infection. The doctor would like to send
her to Zinder to see an orthopedic specialist to address her improperly aligned
fracture, yet Mariama is quick to point out that she gave birth to only one child
in this life and that child died, so she has no means and no one to care for
her. Her wound is gradually healing in response to good nursing care and better
nutrition. As a result of physical
therapy at CSL she now has some ability to move the fingers on her right hand.
The CSL Benevolent Fund is often called upon to assist a patient like
Mariama to pay for her care. Consider making a gift to bless patients in dire need.